Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Exercise Program

Well, today after work, I walked home. It's a mile and a half, and I did it semi-leisurely, so it took me a little under a half hour. I got warm enought to shed my jacket.
I hadn't really planned on starting this exercise program, but was sort of forced into it by my own stupidity and recklessness. On the block in front of my workplace, I was in an accident. I had stopped at a mailbox to drop off some mail and took a different path back to work. I attempted to cross MLK (9th St N) at 27th Ave N and POW!!! An onlooker called 911 and within minutes rescue vehicles and the police were there. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Both cars needed to be towed. The car that I ran into was driven by a woman who was on her way home from her volunteer work at a local hospital. Boy, do I sound like a meany! Her husband came from their house, which was a minute away. They moved down here from Buffalo 12 years ago. A very nice couple. I felt terrible.
My manager from work came over to see how I was holding up. All of my coworkers were really nice to me, offering me rides and extending sympathy and conern. We were short staffed and it was really busy because everyone is getting money to spend, spend, spend for the holiday. The afternoon offered me little time to think about what had happened, but I was shaking inside. My walk home gave me time to think. I am extremely happy that no one was hurt.
Now, I'm without my Jeep. I spoke with an insurance agent when I got home. He called me before I even got a chance to call them! I'm getting a rental tomorrow, and the wheels of motion have begun to turn. I'll update my experience with this new insurance carrier as things progress. Maybe I'll write a glowing testimonial, if all works out well. But anyway I look at it I see $$$ flying away.


Gavin said...

Yikes! Cars can be fixed. Good that no one was seriously hurt.

Unknown said...

I am so happy that no one was hurt. If I didn't love you so much, I'd tell you this is what happens to people who move far away from others who love them; but I'm not going to say that. That would be insensitive of me.