Monday, August 27, 2007

I've Been Robbed!!!

I had a dentist appointment this morning. Such a beautiful day out there. But . . . when I came home all of my things were gone! Well, almost gone. The movers were just about finished. Last thing was watching my Jeep disappear into the auto trailor. I guess I missed that photo op.

It's a bit spooky with all those boxes gone. I was beginning to put up street signs so that I wouldn't loose my way navigating around and thru the piles of boxes. I miss them...they became my friends. Maybe it's just the novacaine talking. But, anyhow. Bill, the mover, said that he's going to see about getting it all delivered on Saturday, September 1. Earlier than I had anticipated, but it works great for me!!!

It's funny how life cycles around. I'm back to sleeping on the sofa until I take off on Friday. Reminds me of when I moved into this apartment almost 2 1/2 years ago.

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