Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday Night Porch Party

There is nothing like the Hallowe'en season to cheer one up!  I've been missing my daily Ruby fixes, so the Old NE neighborhood "Porch Party" last night sure was a fun escape!  The pictures are kind of dark, taken with my low end 'smart' phone. I've attempted to lighten them up enough to see some detail.
The living room
 Side table in the living room
The dining room.  This fella was laid out on the dining room table.  I guess the meal didn't agree with him.

Mantle in the living room.
Ghost in the television room.

In the kitchen area
Porch poltergeist


Ur-spo said...

wow! fabulous !

Y B Normal? said...

Another fun Halloween thing to do in windows is to cut out scary silhouettes. I saw it on a craft blog. Like a Victorian figure holding up her dismembered head. Spooky!