Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Nice Perk - Free Movie Tickets & Popcorn

I 'Liked' 'Downtown St. Pete" on Facebook.  It helps me keep up with what is going on as far as events happening downtown, and living just north of downtown, a comfortable walk away, it gives me the opportunity to partake of different types of activities.

I won 2 free tickets and popcorn for a showing of the Glee 3D movie, plus a popcorn for tonight.  Saves a little chunk of change!  I've won tickets a couple times now.  I worked at an 18 screen stadium movie theater in Albany for several years.  I was mostly in the box office until I became a full time assistant manager.  The manager job lasted about 8 months before I burned out.  It allowed for no social life at all.  One of the perks, and main reason for working there, was that the family got free admission to movies, and we are all movie nuts!  A couple of times we sat through four different movies in one afternoon/evening.  Talk about turning your mind to mush!  Hmmmm?  Maybe I'll apply for a part time job in the box office again . . .


Ur-spo said...

the actress who plays the gym coach on Glee looks just like a woman who stalked me. I get flip flops just seeing her photo! So, no "Glee" for me - painful. !

ArichNY said...

Ur-spo: YIKES! Fortunately for you, she is not in the concert movie!

free movie said...

I don't get why they did the movie in 3D, that medium seems much more suitable for animation or scary movies and stuff... what's the added value here?!

ArichNY said...

None that I could see!