Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Evening

This has been a relatively relaxing weekend.  My abbreviated work schedule (20 hours / week) is super.  Although my schedule varies from week to week, it's really nice and provides lots of time for me to do other things.
I've been able to hit the gym more frequently and hang out with friends.  I've hit a plateau with my weight and can't seem to break below it.  But, I'm not trying all that hard either.  I'll have to fire up my motivation again.  I met up with Otto at Georgie's for dinner tonight.  Got one of the specials, and it was delicious!

Speaking of which . . . Edys was on sale this past week at Publix, and I decided that the Mocha Espresso Sauce that Gina had given me for my birthday was just screaming to be opened.  So after getting back to my apartment, I opened the Slow Churned Vanilla Bean ice cream, warmed up the sauce and drizzled!  Well worth the wait! (or is that weight?)
OK!  YES!  I did eat a spoonful of the sauce!!!

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