Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Voted!!!

Florida extended the early voting hours from 8 hours a day (8 am - 4 pm) to 12 hours a day (7 am - 7 pm). So, after work today I drove downtown to vote. I waited in line about an hour and 15 minutes. And it was cold outside!!!! It only got up to the low 60's today, and I did only have on a cotton shirt with my sleeves rolled up, but I sure could have used a cup of hot cocoa!

It was fun...people were all in a great mood. The volunteers were handing out bottled water. Talked with a girl that was just behind me in line. She moved here 5 years ago from Indianapolis. I've been so use to the old mechanical voting booths. Here we filled out a paper ballot and then fed it into a scanner. The process was well organized and all of the volunteers were very pleasant.

Now the wait . . .

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