Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Meandering Fay

Seems like I didn't get much of my first Tropical Storm" to experience. Fortunately the Tampa Bay area dodged another bullet. The most we got was a little wind and about 2 minutes of rain around 5:00 pm.

Work was pretty dead.

I moved stuff that I didn't want to get ruined, should a window blow in, to the interior halls and closets of my apartment. I closed all the blinds and doors when I went to work.

I spent Tuesday night putting everything back and re-organizing some of the stuff. I'm also getting in the mood to rid myself of some of the "junk". I wasn't sure about moving some things down here last year, and now after a year of not being used, I'm ready to shed again.

I cooked up some tempeh for dinner last night. It called for some soy sauce in the olive oil when cooking, but I had no soy sauce. I did learn something though. Never pour some balsamic vinegar into the pan with hot oil. I spent a little time cleaning up the stove top, refrigerator, counter . . . I did add some chipotle and lime marinade sauce . . . yum!
Another oink oink!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For crying out loud...first you get no snow and now no hurricane. What the must be bored.

That tempeh dish looks great. They look like fried sweet plantains. Yummy is correct.