Tuesday, November 07, 2006

When am I?

Time has a way of flying by at super light speed and time has a way of standing still, and time sometimes seems to be circular, or kind of like a Mobius strip.......although many things have happened over a space of a measured period, we sometimes find ourselves in the past or in the future.

A good friend invited me to go with him to a concert at the Palace Theater. It was Duran Duran. On his blog ( Y-Oh-Y ) he states that DD is his favorite group of all time. I've always liked Duran Duran's sound, but I think I was too busy with a young family to get into too much of the music or cultural scene back then, other than what was on the radio (we didn't get MTV back then....in fact, we didn't have cable!) Duran Duran opened with Hungry Like the Wolf. To my surprise, I found my eyes tearing up. It was 1983. Yet, here I was in the Palace Theater. It could have been 1983. In my mind a 4 year old and a 1 year old were there . . . and I was home in my studio, working at my drawing table. Maybe I was. Maybe in my mind I was visualizing myself at a Duran Duran concert....psychedelic light show and all....

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