Friday, November 03, 2006

Halloween afterthoughts: stale candy, hard donuts and bags o' blood

Can you guess 'what' I'm supposed to be? Won me 20 bucks! Go figure!

I had 2 Trick or Treaters on Halloween. Luckily I had all those eyeball gumballs, finger fries, crunchy/oozy giant bugs, gummi spiders, centipedes, bags o' blood, bags o' barf and marshmallow eye balls, plus half a giant bag (ok, so I ate half of it) of Almond Joys, Hershey chocolate bars, Reese's PB cups, Take 5s, and KitKats.
Luckily, the people who come into work love the free candy...

It was nice to have Mia and Gina here to share part of Halloween. They even went back to Florida with Aunt Mary's recipe for the cookies she always had when we visited all those Halloweens. She would have little bags all made up for the kids, filled with miniature candy bars, and we would sit and visit and she would serve us her cookies and drinks.

What fun Halloween has always been! From growing up and trick or treating with the neighbors: one of the 'H' kids would inevitably loose half their candy from dragging their bag and having a hole rip thru the bottom, allowing candies to leak out; someone would trip over a wire stretched between two front lawns; trying to understand 'E' as he was trying to tell us something about bubble gum.

To having kids of my own and traipsing thru the neighborhood, many houses decorated for the eerie night....coming home with bags full of loot. The agency where I worked used to have really nice Halloween days, where our kids would come in and visit a haunted house, and go trick or treating on all the floors and come home with a bag full of candy...and all this before even visiting our own neighborhood! Who cares if it's freezing and raining out?!

Even though there was that first Halloween in our house, when 3 co-workers came to spook us out, and they totally did! And that Halloween when 3/4s of our house was soaped, to the last Halloween when some kid spray painted the wheel cover on the back of my Jeep. . . I still love Halloween! It's the most fun time of the year!

Now . . . on to Thanksgiving and Christmas!

1 comment:

Gavin said...

Are those the mystery numbers from Lost? What are you, the now magnetically-imploded hatch door from the Swan? :)