Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mia and Gina Visit - Day 2

I woke up feeling pretty bad this morning.  Not able to do too much.  Mia and Gina took right over.  They made French Toast using the chocolate chip Panettone made with egg and eggnog.  To die for!

Then they made our annual corn flake wreath.  Going to have some of that tonight!

This afternoon we watched "Midnight in Paris".  The girls loved it!  How nice to be stretched out on the couch and watch a movie!
And tonight they made Fries Quatro Queso Dos Fritos . . . Sooooooo good!

So yummy!

After dinner we took a walk around the neighborhood in the cool air (got down to around 63 degrees!) Was nice to see the Christmas lights and Christmas trees in many of the homes.

We cut into the Corn Flake wreath, then played a few rounds of "Shut the Box".  It can be addicting!  Shut the front door!

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

i tried the cornflake wreath for the first time this year, but it was a frightful mess.