Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sugar Wafer High Sugar Wafer Crash

You would think that I would know better. I was in Publix last night, after making a couple stops; the card store, CVS. I was hungry for something but not sure what. Salty? Sweet? Ying? Yang?

I spied the sugar wafers and they sure looked inviting. I haven't had them in a long while. I couldn't control myself. My hands quickly grabbed one chocolate and one vanilla. So, home I went, wafers in hand (actually, sack in hand). When I got home, I opened both packages and put them in a Tupperware container.

I was watching some old movie on TCM and finished off half of cookies. And, much to my surprise, I slept right thru the night! Go figure! I thought I would be vibrating!

Down side. Today at work, I was dragging. And when I came home for lunch, I finished off half of what was left. What was I thinking???

I vow I will not touch one tonight. Maybe I'll pretend I'm a puppy and just pop open that Tupperware and bury my face in that bowl?


louietoon said...

How do you not put on weight? If I ate what you ate, I'd be 400 lbs!

Unknown said...

I need to imform you that after reading this story I went right out and bought some vanilla sugar wafers...gee, thanks Rich; just what I needed. They actually go well with my Pistachio ice cream!