Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween Celebration in Old NE

Old NE outdid themselves this year. I'm glad that Mia and Gina wanted to go out Trick or Treatin'!!! We were out about 2 hours. Some blocks were blocked to auto traffic for a block party. One was decked out as a cemetery with gates at both ends of the block, and torches lining the entire block on both sides. Smoke machines, crashed cars, a hearst in the middle of the street with an open coffin and families all over the place; children picking up treats and the parents walking along with drinks in their hands. A whole different world.

We had a great time! Thought it was a lot like Disney only without the admission price!


jag said...

wow - they really go all out. Looks like a blast. I especially love the dead guy with a sheet over him on the ground...

louietoon said...

Why would you want to live elsewhere!