Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Dating Game

Yesterday morning at work, right after we opened, I called a woman over to my station. As she approached, all smiles, I remembered her from a short while back, and my inner thoughts we somewhere along the lines of "Uh oh".

Since it was one of the days when we weren't required to wear the official "dress code uniform" polo shirt, I was wearing a dress shirt and tie. When she got over to my station, she proceeded to tell me how handsome I looked. She told me several times. Then she then asked if I was dating anyone. I replied, "I'll never tell!" She smiled and said that she guessed by my answer that she and I would not be dating.

For the record, although I was flattered, she is married and definitely NOT my type.


Gavin said...

Something that heterosexuals take for granted...the ability to openly express interest without fear of retribution.

Unknown said...

That's what happens when you dress so provocatively. I was waiting for you to say that Jim Lang came out and started playing the theme song to The Dating Game. I must agree though that if a gay man approached a hetero man in a similar situation, more would have made of it.

Breenlantern said...

oh for the days when all of my people can openly express in a joyful manner that, yes, indeed they are dating a wonderful man/woman without having to be coy for fear of rejection or repercussion. When I chose to say 'i do" to jeffrey, I left behind the willingness to hide or disguise our relationship. I hope you find that freedom someday, Rich. It may seem harmless and what you're used to, but it chips away at your sould bit by bit, demeans yourself and your loved one, and inadvertenty portrays your relationship as something to hide or be dishonest about. You and Kelly, and all of us, deserve better. Your love is equal and strong and true, and if someone ventures into the personal toi ask about it, you have every right to share the truth openly. If you're not prepared for the answer, don't ask the question!