Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bringing Down Broadway

Una Voce's June Concert was held this past weekend. They did three performances; Friday and Saturday nights at the St Petersburg College Music Center in St Pete and a Sunday matinee performance at the University of South Florida Tampa Campus. I had seen a lot of the rehearsals, but I was completely blown away by the performances. Great music, beautiful voices and lots of fun!

On Saturday Wayne come over and I was going to ride to the concert with him. We stopped at a fast food place to pick up something to bring with us, since his call was an hour before the show. As we were pulling out of the fast food place, Wayne asks me, "You have your ticket, don't you?" DUH! Well, since it was back at my apartment, we quickly drove back to get it. As we later entered the theater, I went to give my ticket to Nelson, and he asked me if I would be one of the ticket takers. Of course! And then he asked me what it was I was going to give him, and I said, "my ticket." He replied, "Since you're the ticket taker, you can just take your own." Now I guess I owe Wayne some money for gas?
I attempted to take some photos using the available light and no flash, but most of the shots came out way too blurry. But here are a couple of the 'clearer' ones.
After the show a couple dozen of us went to Chili's. Oink! Oink!

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