Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Another Universe. I was thinking back to St. Patrick's Day 2007 up in Albany.
This was my Jeep parked in the neighbor's driveway. They were in Florida for the month of March and said I could park in their driveway to get it off the street. I had gotten up early to shovel it out from it's parking space in the street and parked it there while I went in and showered. It was Saturday and my last shift as a part time teller before moving to full time in the operations center.

This was the view from the front porch of my apartment.

This is the view from the front porch of my apartment here in St. Pete. Hmmmm? That's my Rabbit parked there. No need to shovel it out. The thermostat read 84 degrees while I was on my 5 minute drive home from work.

To celebrate St Paddy I thought I would have some Pistachio Paste on some Brick Oven Italian Toast. OK, so it's from Mazzaro's and it's Italian. It's green, isn't it?

Here's a pic I just snapped in the back of my apartment building in the alley. I wish this weather would last. You know I'll be complaining come July.

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