Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stormy Weather

This time of year the old saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" echoes in my head ever since I heard it in first or second grade.  Seems like here in Florida this year, it reversed itself.  We've been under a tornado watch for most of the day, and there's another line of storms heading through again.

Earlier this morning I figured I'd get a couple loads of laundry done.  While the last load was in the dryer, with about 3 minutes left, the power went out.  And with the automatic door opener on the overhead door on the garage where the machines are located, I was denied entrance.  All about timing!
Fortunately, when the power came on again after being out for an hour, I went to retrieve the laundry, and there was still the 3 minutes left, so I pressed the start button, and POOF!  Wrinkles gone!

We are still under a tornado watch, and it's still very windy and dark out there.  Some very close thunder boomers still!

Earlier on my facebook post, I commented that all that was going thru my head was:

The wind began to switch, the house to pitch, and suddenly the hinges started to unhitch.  

Oh my!

1 comment:

GinaBean said...

LOVE the Wizard of Oz reference!!