Monday, April 27, 2009

Jasmine and Jacaranda

This week I started my new part time schedule. It's 32 hours a week: 2 full days, 2 half days and a weekday off, plus work Saturday mornings for 4 hours. I think it's going to work out ok. Gives me a chance to do the laundry, apointments, etc.
Today is a beautiful sunny day, mid 80s, nice breeze. I went to the chiropractor this morning (been having lower back problems recently), then went to the beach for a couple hours. It's nice and sparse there in the morning.
It's a beautiful time of year here. Jasmine is in blossom as is the Jacaranda trees. The jasmine give off a beautiful fragrance that you can smell a distance off. This is a shot of the small backyard of my apartment building.

I took a short walk to take a picture of a Jacaranda tree and took a few other random shots that caught my eye. I'm not sure why, but when I walk around the neighborhood on the sidewalks on a beautiful day like today, gentle warm breeze, birds singing, smell of flowers, it reminds me of when I was 4 or 5 years old in the neighborhood on Oak Street where I spent the first 5 years of my life.

This apartment building is on the block behind mine. It's actually a few doors down the alley.

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