Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's A Wonder It Lasted As Long As It Did

As Joe reminded me, Vinnie once said, "It's a wonder it lasted as long as it did."  [Original was, "Like your shoes, it's a wonder she lasted as long as she did."]

I got my original cell phone in spring 2004.  And that's about all it was:  a phone!  Lately I was having a difficult time plugging it in to recharge.  Seems the connections were getting a bit worn.  So, I figure, before I end up losing all my contacts (as if I have so many), I'd better upgrade while it would be easy.  So, here I am.  I've got the web browser free for 30 days, but not sure I'm going to keep that.  I'm still a bit old school!
And voilà!  Here is my first pic from my new phone!  Too bad there wasn't a 'remove dorkiness' button in the edits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, Daddy!
And by the way, you don't look dorky!