Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunshine, Harry Potter and Tulips

It was such a beautiful day that I thought maybe I ought to get out in it! With blanket, water bottle, camera, iPod and Harry Potter 5, I ventured out to Washington Park in Albany. I figured that with a warm week coming up and rain predicted by Friday, maybe the tulips wouldn't look so good for the annual Albany Tulip Festival on Mother's Day weekend.

So I spent about 3 hours soaking up the sun and reading. It took me about three or four tries to get into that 5th book, The Order of the Phoenix, but I did it. I am a little over the half way mark. I want to finish it before the movie comes out this summer, so I bring it with me to the laundramat every time I go. With the nice weather finally here, I'm hoping to read and get some sun at the same time. This is my favorite time of year, not humid yet, and not a lot of bugs.

 is my tulip gallery for 2007! I got carried away!

Look at that rebel!

And, I actually cooked tonight! And I've got leftovers for lunches! My old standby, chicken and peppers in the oven...this time with a raspberry pineapple sauce. YUMMY!


Pete said...

they look so perty. I hope they are still in bloom next weekend. I ofen wondered what they do with the festival if they miss the mark on the weekend when the tulips are in bloom.

Gavin said...

I was gonna contact you this week to see if there were any plans for the Tulip Festival. I want to go, and as you so keenly found out, they pics make a great blog post! Let's go!