Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ghosts of Hallowe'ens Past

The other day Mia was feeling a bit nostalgic for Octobers and Halloween up in the Albany area in New York where she grew up.  She asked if I would scan some of the old photos and send them to her.  I have twelve 'shoeboxes' full of snapshots, and a bunch of albums, in addition to about fifty reels of 3 minute super 8 films and several dozen super 8 video tapes.  I've managed to pare down the photos to just over one shoebox of the better photos.  One has to start somewhere!

Hallowe'en was always a fun time in our family.  Mia's birthday is on the day before Hallowe'en and her birthday parties were always a lot of fun.  No question as to the theme!  And this year she turns the big 25!

One thing I also miss about the fall is the apple picking and the apple cider donuts at the apple orchard bakeries.  I got to relive that when I was visiting up there last October.  But despite the beautiful autumn colors, there was still that overpowering sense of what was to follow:  cold, gray days, ice and snow!

I was extremely surprised when I saw how big Hallowe'en is celebrated here in Saint Petersburg!  My neighborhood does it BIG!!!  I had no idea!  I mean, we sometimes froze when we walked around the neighborhood with the kids.  Here, the parents have drinks in hand and socialize with other adults as they walk with their kids around the neighborhood.  And many blocks are blocked off for parties, a circus with high wire acts in the front yard, cotton candy machines, front yard bistros, graveyards, and on and on!  Who knew?!!!!!

It's all been fun, and lots more to come.  There's a new generation of ghosts and goblins coming along! That clown in the picture below is the Daddy of the little lady bug below!  BOO!


miaGabriel said...

how about WE take the shoebox from you to keep from "paring down" any more ;) yes, downsizing is good, but not when it comes to family history and my roots!

harperskeeper said...

great photo presentation

ArichNY said...

You got 'em!!! I only picked the better ones that I had planned on scanning in some day. All the others are still intact!

Ur-spo said...

what lovely photos; and such warm memories!
This is why halloween is one of my favorite holidays - I too have so many great memories of such.