Thursday, October 18, 2012

Taking a Cue - Just Deal

I'm not sure why, but I woke up just before 4:00 AM this morning.  Maybe it was the 7.2 mile walk I took last night.  


Then I followed the walk with a blueberry / strawberry / yogurt shake and cocoa coated almonds chaser.

And maybe it was watching the late 50s horror movies on TCM.  But anyhow, I woke up early.  Lying there wide awake, I attempted to relax and go back to sleep.  But no such luck.  I didn't have any specific anxiety.  I just did not feel tired.

So, taking a clue from a post that my daughter-in-law Joy put on her blog last week, I decided to follow her lead and "Just Deal With It".  [Nota bene:  I do not have pregnancy induced insomnia.]

So, I got up at 5:00 AM and baked a batch of cookies from the cookie dough I bought for a fund raiser from a former co-worker's kid.  I brewed up some pumpkin spice coffee and I was good to go!


Gavin said...

I have to get back down to see you!

ArichNY said...

Yes you do!