And, since St. Petersburg has recently won the 'distinction' of being the saddest city in America, it's nice for us po folk to have something to bring joy into our humdrum little lives.
We gathered at my place for wine and snacks before heading out.
Tree at the hospitality and checkin location.

Home 1 - built in 1925, renovated in 2010.

Wayne feeling at home in the outside bar and grill!
Home 2 - this one ranked number 2 on my list. Beautifully furnished and decorated for the holidays! Built in 1938.
Home 3 - 1924 Craftsman-style
Outside at Home 3
The side garden at Home 3
Home 4 Built in 1932, traditional Colonial-style. Renovated in 2010. This house has an elevator in it!
Home 4

Home 5 - Built in 1913. Wrap around porch had a group of bell ringers for entertainment.
Home along the tour path . . .
Home 6 - Built in 1924. Traditional Colonial floor plan with a wide central hall on the first floor.
Home 7 - 1918 Craftsman-style bungalow, completely renovated in 2010.
Home 8, my personal favorite. Built in 1925. Two additions were added to this home after it was purchased shortly after I moved here 4 years ago. This home has 5 fireplaces . . . one in the back courtyard.
Home 8 - side window view . . .
This home is always brightly lit for every holiday.
It's a major award! One block from my apartment.
Lighted porch. A block from my apartment.
It was a good Tour this year! All of the homes were beautiful!
Funny how quickly I was paging through the houses, until I came to number 5; which incidentally was your favorite! Wish I could have seen more of it. Very much the flavor of the area; I was feeling a little "South Beach." Looks like it was a wonderful time. I've always wanted to do house tours. One of these days!
I liked the Grinch.
Looks like the Grinch is about to whisper something to Wayne!
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