My granddaughter Ruby was due to be born sometime near the end of July, so I was making plans to visit NYC in October. when Ruby and her parents were a bit more 'settled'. So, I figured I would get a ticket to the Saturday matinee when I was in town.

I think the show tended to be a bit gross at times, as South Park often is. But I think the creators captured the innocence and enthusiasm of the missionaries to perfection. I found their portrayal spot on, from choice of words and cadence. The songs flowed beautifully, were catchy and upbeat and fun! The audience really got into this show. It was the first Broadway show that I have been to, where from the first seconds of the curtain call, the audience was on their feet cheering, whistling, and applauding with great enthusiasm. It was amazing, and I would see it again!
After the show, I headed through Times Square to get the subway on 42nd to head back uptown. The area was jammed with people, so much so that the sidewalk was like a parking lot! Moving was extremely slow! Turns out, the Occupy Wall Street crowd had headed up to Times Square. Lots of barricades and police all over.
I finally made it to 42nd Street!
Look who I ran into on my way to Priscilla, my Sunday matinee! I really think Joe (R.) was in there. Pete reported him missing . . .

I hung journeyed across the street to the bleachers set up in Times Square to people watch.
I went into the Starbucks in that building in the center there. A Japanese tourist took my cup of coffee from the counter before I got there. And I had to wait behind him at the sugar/creamer stand while one of his traveling companions took pictures there with his camera with a huge lens.
It was nice to get back uptown to no crowds and serenity!
Did you ever get your coffee back?? Haha oh, tourists - can't live with 'em, pass the beer nuts! ;)
Same thought: you should have punched out that tourist. What a PHOTO that would have made! ;o)
Jealous you got to see such great shows. Me, I also like to go to museums when I'm back in the Apple.
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