Friday, April 04, 2008

Racing thru the Neighborhood

I was standing at my bathroom sink shaving this morning when I heard the vrooooooom of engines. vrrrrrrrmmmm! vrrrrrm! vrrrrrrrmmmmm!!! I thought, WOW! did they decide to race thru my neighborhood? I thought maybe they were racing up North Shore Drive, about 5 blocks east of me. Someone told me yesterday that it gets very loud downtown. I didn't think it would be that loud up here . . . I'm about 17 blocks north of the race area. I could even hear the sound as I was walking into work, which is 10 blocks north of me and 12 blocks west!

1 comment:

Breenlantern said...

Hey baby. Just touching base so you know I'm still out here reading. I read your blog every day and miss you so much. Big hugs and lotsa love to you and Wayne.
