Saturday started early with the pancake breakfast, sponsored by Una Voce at the MCC Church. We met up with some old friends and enjoyed pancakes and sausages, OJ and coffee. Then we headed over to Central Avenue to check out the vendors booths and stake out a place to watch the parade. I bought this t-shirt and cap at one of the booths. Figured I'd wear them each year!
I thought I would try to take different pictures this year, to capture more color instead of just snapshots of the same floats and entries.
Wayne decided to wear a new swim suit so that he would be cooler as the day heated up. As we were walking down the street, prior to the event really getting started, we spotted this lass walking towards us.
We met up with Rod and Terry (we met at Suncoast Squares last year) and family and friends.
2011 Official St Pete Pride photo.
A wave from Don. We both belong to the O&A Gay Men's Book Club.
I like the rainbow t-shirts here!
From the Dali Museum
The Macy's contingent was even bigger this year, I think.
Met up with some more homeys. Bryan, Dave, Phil and Alan.
Pete and Joe (Lonnie in the background)
Evan and Lonnie. They bought the house behind Pete and Joe, and are renting it out until they move here in autumn 2012.
Patrick, his grandson Donovan and Thomas.
At one point, with a break in the parade, we were looking to connect with Pete and Joe and crew. We walked down the center of Central between a couple of the entrees. Parade watchers thought we were part of the parade, and were yelling and waving to us and taking our picture too (well, maybe one of two people did). We waved back . . . Michael took this.
The flag unfurls . . .
Barbara and her partner Kim.
Interest view on walk back to car, parked over near Georgie's.
And, passing Georgie's. It was so crowded and hot last year, we decided to skip a stop there this time around.
We all met for lunch at The Three Birds Tavern on 4th Street N, up near where we live.
We ended the afternoon at the Flamingo. Photos courtesy of my cell phone.
Till next year . . .
Salut 2012!!!