Wednesday, May 18, 2011

360 View

Been off from work for two days now.  Spent most of yesterday going through the boxes of old family photos.  Finally finished!  Organized them by year.  I now have about a box and a quarter of photos that I will eventually organize into different subjects and scan for digital slide shows.  A great project for when I'm completely retired!

Went to put a load of laundry into the washer and this site greeted me.  Never saw this before moving to Florida.  Pretty common site.  I've also heard that the vermin that leave the tented house tend to move to the neighbors.  I'll keep my eyes peeled!
 Another view from my courtyard.
 View looking north up Locust.
 Looking east up the alley across Locust.
 Looking south down Locust.
 View from the street, looking southwest.
View to the west, looking up the alley behind my apartment building.

Still a few jasmine flowers hanging around!


jp said...

that's awesome! can't WAIT to show ruby all those old pics!

D said...

I have two tubs of pictures that need organized... I'll never get to it.