Monday, November 07, 2011

Sarasota Chalk Festival

Wayne suggested we take a ride down to Sarasota (about an hour south) to check out the Chalk Festival.  It was well worth the trip!  It was fun finding a parking spot.  We just drove around the area near the festival and followed some cars into a 'field' and parked on the grass there and walked the couple blocks back to the festival.
There were some amazing drawings!  This was the sixth day of the seven day event.  The theme this year was "Pavement Art through the Ages".

 Spotted this Italian flag

Adding to the ambiance . . .

We drove over to St. Armand's Circle for dinner.  We had this amazing pizza at Le Colonne.

Prosciutto, artichoke, egg, mushrooms, fresh mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce.

For dessert we stopped at Ben and Jerry's.  Wayne is enjoying his Schweddy Balls.
Coconut Seven Layer Bar was my selection.

Spotted along the road on the way back from St. Armand's Circle.
Aerial view . . .
Heading back to St. Pete over the Skyway Bridge.
Maybe because of it's 'openness', this is one bridge that kinda scares me!
Another beautiful day in November!

1 comment:

JustAMike said...

Wow! What amazing art. I've never heard of the Sarasota Chalk Festival so thanks for posting this. It's now on my list of things to see!