Monday, February 14, 2011

Feeling the Love and Making Amends

I have been blogging for about four and a half years now.  Buddy Gavin ( Why Oh Why? ) introduced me to blogging.  I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with my blog when I started, and realize that I still don't know.  Over the past few years it has taken on different meanings for me.  Sometimes I get serious, but most often it's a travelogue.  After I moved to St. Pete in 2007, I found it a convenient way to let my family and friends up North keep up with my goings on down here.  I have to admit, I have ulterior motives of getting some of them to move down here!  I've also seen where Facebook has provided another way to keep up with friends and family, and I think my blog does not have the same traffic nor readership that it may have had before.  And, because of that, my posts have become less frequent.
I have found that at times it can be quite powerful in getting my creative juices flowing and inspiring me to address some of the issues in my life, and I think, sometimes to provide a diversion from addressing some of those same issues.
I tend to be more conservative in the topics I do choose to post, preferring to address those topics in my journal. But alas, even that is very sporadic.  [Shout out to Cher Horowitz]
Last month my good friend Sean ( Idle Eyes and a Dormy ) gave me a bloggers award.  Up to now, I haven't even acknowledged it, feeling a bit guilty about not being a very active blogger nor a very good blogger buddy.  I have also been less than stellar in keeping up with my blog reading. I find that I allow myself too many distractions at times.  But I want to take the time to acknowledge the award from Sean and tell him how much I admire him.  I enjoy reading his posts.  His posts reflect his passion about life and issues and feelings.  I admire his eloquence and wish I could possess even a fraction of his talent.   

Last night at a party, a guy recognized me and asked if I had a blog.  He had stumbled on my blog a while back and we had exchanged a couple comments on each other's blogs.  He has not been actively blogging for a while now, but it was nice to know that some individuals out there enjoy reading my blog and looking at the many pictures I post.  He said that it was a way for him to keep up with friends and family too.  After chatting with Rick [ Tampa I Am ], I knew it was time to write a post. 

Last year my daughter Adele [ Keep Moving Forward ] began to blog and more recently my daughter-in-law Joy [ joy de vivre ] began blogging about her and Joe and their road to parenthood.  (I believe her blog is by invitation only though.)  I love reading their blogs because it provides much more depth of emotion than a status update on facebook does.  

As the title of this blog indicates, I am still a work in progress.  Where I go from here is anyone's guess.  I will see where each day leads me.  But I do hope to use it as a creative outlet more than I have in the past.  I know that as I grow older (cue the violins) that I need to keep my brain active.  That's one of the reasons I joined a book club. So to the few of my loyal readers, thank you from my heart.  

And Sean,  thank you and I miss you!


Breenlantern said...

Never has anyone spent so little time in our lives and become such a huge part of it as you. Sure, I could have resented you for selfishly moving away so soon after coming into our lives and becoming so special to us, but instead, we are grateful to have had the time with you before you left and all I could do was be happy for you because true friends support one another and share in each others joy and happiness.

I wish the miles and years didn't separate us, but true connections of the heart can't be severed by such simple things and you remain part of our chosen family no matter where you are or how long we go without seeing each other.

You have no apologies to make and nothing to atone for. You give as you can, when you can, on your blog and share such wonderful moments and images with all of us, just reinforcing why we are so happy for you.You were and always will be a good friend and it is always touching when you reach out to say hello. Thank you for the nod and for being part of our life.

Love you. Miss you.

Unknown said...

I love your blog!! Oh, yes, and I love YOU, too!!! I think you should print out your posts to save for posterity.... :)