Monday, March 09, 2009

A Tale of the Girl Scout Thin Mint

Tracy took orders for Girl Scout Cookies at work a short while back. I ordered my favorites: Samoas, Thin Mints and Trefoils. Well, the Samoas were the first to go. Then the Trefoils. I picked up another box of Samoas today. I put off opening the Thin Mints until tonight, and I blame Wayne for that.

I was talking on the phone with him while I was out on my walk along Tampa Bay. He mentioned that he went grocery shopping and bought some Edy's Girl Scout Thin Mint ice cream. Well, I had to do some grocery shopping myself, and as I was ending up, I took a stroll down the frozen foods aisle. Well, what do you know? There right in front of me was the Edy's section.

Ummmmmmm, it sure was good! And about 2/3, well, maybe 3/4 of one pack of the Thin Mint cookies are now history.

1 comment:

louietoon said...

Oink! Oink!