Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Ides of March 2009

Yum! Yum! Yum!!! Starting the day with fresh strawberries on pancakes. Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

On Sunday afternoon we went for a ride up alternate Route 19, north of Clearwater.

Our first stop was Honeymoon Island, between Dunedin and Tarpon Springs. It's a State Park. As you can see, we do need more rain!

Walking along the beach was not an easy task. It was very rocky and full of shells. The rocks almost looked like sponges, the way the water had worn them.

The beach is narrow and was quite full of people! I think we're near the peak of the tourist season.

"Gulfwatch Wayne"

The causeway was full of parked cars, people fishing, sunning themselves.
This was in Tarpon Springs. We drove around Howard Park too.

This is on Sunset Point. There were a bunch of picnickers there.

When I got home and was putting a few groceries away, I found an open bag of Christmas M&M Dark Chocolates. So, of course, I couldn't let them go to waste. So, I let them go to waist. Et tu, Brute?

1 comment:

louietoon said...

Christmas M&M's; you need to get Easter ones now!