Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Thoughts of Dad

Every time I open up the Christmas boxes from storage, a flood of memories usually pours forth. This plastic Santa with the bubble light was the first Christmas decoration my father bought for the first Christmas he and my mother were married back in 1946. Dad's birthday was this past Sunday, December 7. He would have been 89.
The glow of this Santa reminds me of the warm glow that use to come thru the window in the small bedroom my brother and I shared when we were little. That glow came from the lighted Santa Claus Dad used to put up on the roof in the corner of the front door overhang right outside our window. I would fall asleep with that glow reminding me of the magic yet to come. Dad and Ma provided us with a lot of magical memories of Christmas and all of the holidays.
It's nice to have such good memories and a little sad that the worlds where those memories were created no longer exist. In a quote from "Angels in America":
"Nothing lasts forever. In this world there's a kind of painful progress; longing for what we've left behind, and dreaming ahead..."

1 comment:

louietoon said...

You made me cry!