Saturday, June 23, 2007

Puppy Love!

I was sitting on my front porch on Wednesday night, reading book 6 of Harry Potter. Several of my neighbors were out walking their dogs. The big dog is 10 years old. I forget his name. He acts like a puppy. He came up to me and started licking my face. Then he sat down next to me on the top step. After a short while and short chat with his owner, a woman who recognized me from the credit union where I work, his 'girlfriend' from next door came out.
Taffy (a.k.a. Taffeta Rene) had just gotten back from the groomer. Notice her pink bows on her ears. She is so cute! Every time I see her I think of Luke down there in Florida with the family. Maybe we'll have to get the two of them together?

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