Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I felt like a bear this weekend. I mean, maybe I just acted like one...the hibernating kind. It all started on Saturday night. There was an icy coat over everything. I stepped onto the sidewalk at the corner, right where it slopes for access for wheeled transportation, and WHOOSH!!! Out went my legs from under me! Luckily, no bruises or black and blue marks or aches resulted. Just a quick look around to see if anyone was watching. I haven't taken a fall like that since I starred in that cowboy routine in Stars on Ice!

I slept in late on Sunday, and not quite so late on Monday. Since the ice was still hanging around on both days, I decided to stay (hibernate? cocooning?) in my apartment and not get out of my PJs until late Monday afternoon. Slothful, one might say?

My stay wasn't completely unproductive (or not). I decided to try once again to get into the 5th year book of Harry Potter. I've tried several times, but not managed to get beyond around page 100. So, to prepare myself, I watched all four of the previous stories on DVD. Not in rapid succession, mind you, but in a relaxed pace, almost in a bear-like slumber.

Now I have a pasttime for these wintry days that just say to me, "Stay in!"

I also have a bunch of picture frames just calling to me and boxes of photographs that I want to go through. I have this plan to pick some happy memories and put them into frames. Maybe Harry Potter can wait some more.

1 comment:

Breenlantern said...

Great Post! You make me smile...I'd love to see you in a cowboy hat shaking your thing ;-)